La réflexologie apaise les tensions articulaires
La réflexologie apaise les tensions articulaires
La réflexologie apaise les tensions musculaires
La réflexologie apaise les tensions musculaires
La réflexologie & Sport Express pendant les compétitions
La réflexologie & Sport Express pendant les compétitions
La réflexologie aide le sportif à se préparer et récupérer des entraînements
La réflexologie aide le sportif à se préparer et récupérer des entraînements

Reflexology & Athletes

The benefits of reflexology follow-up :

  • Start preparation with complete peace of mind

  • Brings relief from emotional tensions

  • Rebalances the digestive system

  • Relieves muscle and joint tension

  • Promotes gentle recovery

  • Resynchronizes your biological clock

Sporting Events & Competitions

Contact me for more information.

Reflexology & Sport

1 session-1h

Whether you want to return to regular physical activity or you already practice regularly, reflexology, while acting gently, brings a moment of relaxation to the athlete and supports them as closely as possible in terms of their needs and expectations.

At each stage of your sporting practice, the body undergoes physical stress (joint and muscle pain), emotional (loss of motivation, fears, nervousness, anxieties approaching competitions, etc.) and physiological (digestive disturbances, disorders some sleep, ...).

Specializing in Reflexology & Sports, I support all practitioners towards well-being in their sporting practice and also in their preparation and recovery through the application of specific, proven and effective stimulation protocols.

Reflexology & Sport Express

1 session-30 min

Support for the athlete during preparation for an imminent sporting event (competition, evaluation) or during post-competition recovery.

The techniques used gently guide the athlete towards better well-being in their preparation and recovery through the application of specific, proven and effective stimulation protocols.

The session provides immense well-being while helping the athlete to calmly approach their next sporting stages.

La réflexologie & Sport accompagne les sportifs en compétition
La réflexologie & Sport accompagne les sportifs en compétition