Why choose reflexology?

Some examples of common discomforts and ailments for which reflexology can help you:

  • Stress, anxiety, overwork, nervousness, concentration problems, depression,...

  • Sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, tiredness upon waking, etc.

  • Muscle and joint pains: back pain, headache, stiff neck, etc.

  • Digestive disorders: constipation, diarrhea, stomach aches, etc.

  • Respiratory disorders: cold, cough, sinusitis, etc.

  • Hormonal disorders: painful period, amenorrhea, menopausal disorders, etc.

  • Blood and lymphatic circulation disorders

  • (...)

Reflexology is a complementary and natural technique, preventing stress and its effects.

The challenges of modern life expose us to accute or chronic emotional and/or physical tensions.

The disorders we develop may seem trivial or even so familiar to us that we forget our body's ability to naturally find balance, harmony and comfort.

Reflexology provides you this reconnection with your body and promotes a better health on a daily basis.

In case of a medical diagnosis, it is a complementary practice to your medical care.

Choose reflexology,

it means benefiting from support well-being

complementary in his approach to getting better.

La réflexologie accompagne vers l'homéostasie et une bonne santé au quotidien
La réflexologie accompagne vers l'homéostasie et une bonne santé au quotidien
La réflexologie aide à retrouver énergie et vitalité
La réflexologie aide à retrouver énergie et vitalité
La réflexologie réduit le stress et favorise une bonne santé mentale
La réflexologie réduit le stress et favorise une bonne santé mentale
Reflexology is an alternative medicine practice.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with your insurance company to find out if it is part of the coverage.

Reflexology is a complementary practice to conventional medicine and optimizes the results, if the body allows it.

Reflexology does not replace conventional medical treatment.

a woman in a white shirt holding a stethoscope
a woman in a white shirt holding a stethoscope

Depending on your issues, reflexology supports you aside from your medical follow-up.

It must be performed by trained professionals.