Well-being & Smoking Cessation

(3 sessions in 21 days-1h)

Having the desire to free yourself from physical and psychological addictions to tobacco when they take an important place in your life deserves specific support.

The regular smoker deprived of his consumption feels a feeling of withdrawal. He is tense, irritable, anxious or even depressed.

Tremors and sweating are sometimes felt.

Reflexology is part of the smoking cessation journey as a complementary technique to help you achieve your goal.

The benefits of Reflexology during smoking cessation:

  • Reduces physical tension

  • Brings well-being during smoking cessation

  • Promotes emotional calming

  • Reduces anxiety, nervousness, irritability

  • Rebalances digestion

La réflexologie participe au bien-être
La réflexologie participe au bien-être
La réflexologie accompagne le sevrage tabagique
La réflexologie accompagne le sevrage tabagique